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5 Fresh Ideas for Home Improvement to Bring in More Rent for your Tacoma Rental Property in 2022

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

tacoma living room updated

The most important thing for most landlords is to ensure that their rental property doesn't stay vacant. Finding new tenants isn't easy, but do you know what's more difficult? It's keeping the renters! To make your rental property a catch that renters would love to call home, you've to ensure that your rental property is comfortable, functional, and of course, attractive! Upgrading your property to meet the modern standards but leaving enough room for the tenants to make it their own is just what you need to do! Some property managers like Guide PM offer this as a service.

The primary objective of home improvement should be to make your property modern so that it attracts more prospective clients and makes the renters stay for longer! Some home improvement ideas can help you get a higher rent from the tenants. Let's have a look at them below.

1. Renovate The Kitchen

Prospective tenants are most interested in how modern and functional your kitchen is. They are likely to close the deal if your kitchen is equipped with the latest appliances and has a modern design. Some of the things that you can do before making your rental property public include:

● Apply a fresh coat of paint to your kitchen cabinets

● Replace outdated appliances with newer ones

● Replace old and worn-out countertops with newer ones to give the entire kitchen a fresh look

● Make some inexpensive changes like replacing the faucet or adding a backsplash

2. Remodel Bathrooms

Most tenants look for properties with up-to-date, modern bathrooms. Therefore, a bathroom remodel is one of the best home improvement ideas that will help you bag a higher rent for your property. You don't necessarily have to remodel your bathroom entirely. Just a few changes and upgrades are good enough to attract potential tenants. Replacing the toiletry, updating the faucets, changing the showerhead, and installing new hardware for cabinets are some of the few changes that you can incorporate in your current bathroom to make them look modern and new!

3. Improve the Curb Appeal

The first thing the potential tenants will see is how your Tacoma area property looks from the outside. It includes the appearance of your front yard, the patio, and the entrance door. Investing a small amount in improving the appearance of your yard, applying a fresh coat of paint to the front door, and fixing any loose wooden panels on the patio are some of the ideas that will leave a good first impression on potential tenants. Since the tenants won't have to worry about getting these basic areas covered when they move in, they're likely to pay a higher rent for your property!

4. Install New Floors

New floors can be a major attraction for potential tenants. Replacing the old, scratched flooring with new hardwood flooring can make your property a major catch for tenants. Hardwood floors not only look attractive but are also easy to clean and maintain. Therefore, one of the many home improvement ideas for increasing the rental value of your property and renting it out quickly is installing new floors!

5. Paint a Fresh Coat

Apply a fresh coat of paint on all the walls of the house. It will make your house look neater, brighter, and of course, a lot more attractive for prospective renters. Another tip that can help you get a higher rent for your property is an offer to paint the house in the color of your renters' choice!

These are only some home improvement ideas for increasing the rental value of your home. If you have enough time and money, you can opt for a complete home renovation as well. Your investment won't go to waste. One thing is given – the more modern your home looks, the higher the rental value will be!

If you haven’t hired a property manager already, check out this real estate agent in New City to learn more about our services and how an experienced property manager can share some of your burdens.

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